If I were to ask you how much your provider or bank made from your currency transactions last year, would you know?

Over the last year, I have learnt that the associated cost with currency pricing for business is more inconsistent than I had previously anticipated. Since marginexpert.com began trading, there has not been any one business that we have quoted that could tell us how much, or what their true associated currency cost was with their previous bank or provider.
“It is only now that the businesses we have quoted, have the ability to tell us their exact currency cost for the year ahead…”
It has been a great success so far, implementing the lowest, most visible transparent margins and fees with global leading FCA Regulated and Authorised providers. We are finding that some businesses that transact as little as £500,000 pa, are exposed to hidden cost anywhere up to £25,000. marginexpert.com have the ability to reduce this cost by over £20,000. For larger corporations, we have reduced cost even more significantly. For one corporate who transacts £20million pa, we saved over £400,000 annually, and this is money that now stays on the businesses balance sheet.
How can marginexpert.com reduce your associated cost in currency?
maginexpert.com are the world’s only currency comparison specialist that helps businesses reduce and fix associated currency cost in minutes. We have only partnered with leading FCA Regulated and Authorised providers, who are committed to a true and transparent cost when using our service. Since the launch in mid-2016, marginexpert.com have quoted many businesses just like your own, saving hundreds of thousands by uncovering extortionate and inconsistent currency cost, which most businesses do not see.
For 2017 and the years ahead, it is the vision of marginexpert.com to facilitate the most preferential and transparent Foreign Exchange pricing for consumers and for businesses, offering one consistent, tiered pricing structure to all exposed to currency. As the first and only business to offer this service, I would like to invite you to a free, non-obligation quote. In a matter of seconds, we will quote one low transparent margin that is applied to the mid-market rate at any time of transaction – this is applicable to spot and forward contracts.
With the quote you will see online and receive by email, there is a flat competitive margin, relevant to the currency volume you select. It is this that at time of transaction or on volume projected for the year, you can then calculate your cost for all transactions. Whilst benefiting from this service with marginexpert.com, you will of course, still have access to all the leading tools, products and services, as well as preferential credit terms with your new chosen leading provider.
Once you finalise your online quote, we will send you an email with you low fee. Our partners will then be in a position to give you a precise tangible figure and saving that will be recognised by your business on an annual basis. I am confident that this will be beneficial for you and your business, so I do hope you join us as well as the others on this cost cutting journey in Foreign Exchange.
Thank you for your time and please, should you have any questions, do contact me directly on the below, or visit us online for your free quote.
Callum Lee,
Executive Director