Best Place to Do Business in Europe? Ireland comes top

Ireland has come top in the inaugural Best Place to do Business in Europe Index, compiled by World First, the international money transfer experts. A combination of a business friendly tax system, easy access to finance and strong economic growth placed Ireland ahead of Slovakia, Latvia and Malta.
Italy, whose economy has suffered over the past few years, came last in the ranking for businesses looking to expand in Europe. Ireland is regularly cited as a good model for achieving economic recovery post financial crisis. The country’s progressive economic policies has attracted a wealth of foreign investment and seen the likes of Facebook, Google and Microsoft open up local offices and creating thousands of jobs.
Ireland is also among the top three for education levels in the EU with over 92% of the population attaining a high school education.
Despite the uncertainty caused by the EU referendum, the UK comes 5th on the list of the best place to do business in Europe, beating Spain (10th) France (14th) and Germany (25th)
Italy scored last position due to a toxic mix of low economic growth and a pessimistic attitude among private businesses on the availability of funding